Are one of those who've noticed the shift?


Have you had a sudden urge to find purpose?


Are you one of those leaders who prioritizes people over profit?


Have you felt the need for something different, something more?


Do you desire to do things differently?


No doubt you've been as uncomfortable as I have.

We're going through a collective awakening- realizing we no longer fit into these systems of oppression that we were forced to believe or have convinced ourselves were a benefit to us.

Whether we ended up here through complacency or choice, it doesn’t matter. We feel anxious, restless, depressed and disconnected.


It’s because we’re moving from a belief system based on individualism- what’s better for me and are now shifting into a community of collectivism- do what’s best for the greater.

The old systems are crumbling around our feet, and oh how the empowered are resisting the change.

We were told to strive for the American dream, the good job, the 2.5 kids, the house and the annual trips to Disneyland.

What we found were underpaid of unpaid positions/internships, unavailable housing, and more expectations that we knew what to do with. Add to that, the drain of social media.

We compare, contrast, convince and consume on a non-stop loop. Seeing the lies of perfection, the promises of happiness delivered in 2 days makes us think we need to find it all outside of ourselves. As these systems fall, we question what remains.

If these things no longer serve our beliefs, what does?  


Now is the perfect time to reassess your beliefs, redesign your strategy and find you authentic definition of success. 


To know me is to know my dark humor. I've always joked with my husband that I felt my calling was to start a prison riot or a rebellion. I don't intend on dropping into prison, so here we are...

I've had a life well-lived and in my 40 year journey I've found that nothing worth doing is worth doing alone.  

My passion lies in helping. Helping people navigate life's changes. Helping organizations strategize and track their success. Helping people find themselves amidst the noise of pop culture. 

In my helping, I've noticed a turning of the tides. Leaders are prioritizing employee wellbeing, Entrepreneurs are opting to dive into their gifts and start businesses, and collective shifts are happening.

It's like our eyes were opened to what we truly value and we saw that the capitalist, patriarchal grind fueled by consumerism and oppression  wasn't included in those values. 

Let's make a change, Sparking a Rebellion against that which no longer serves us.


Let's Connect

My own story mirrors the stories of clients so often- it took a spark, an unexpected moment to change my thought process.


My Spark of Rebellion was with the birth of my first daughter. As soon as she was born into this world, I know it was up to me to create the best opportunity for her to grow into her authentic, powerful self.

A righteous endeavor, I know, but in order for her to have the best chance, I had to reflect on myself.

How could I break generational curses to give her a jump start? 

At that moment, I rebelled against beliefs that longer served me (body issues, fear of failure, co-dependence) and started a journey of self-reflection, shadow work and GROWTH.

Are you ready to Spark a Rebellion?

Let's Connect